I was raised as little girl of a large family, after moving from my country of origin Colombia, to our neighboor country Venezuela. I had too many impressions of cultural diversity so I needed to ajust very fast, while in that process I met a lot of new people and had so many different experiences. Those precious moments I captured in my mind.

I saw beauty in new places, humaans beings, nature, activities, and all life had to offer to a six year old girl. I was dazzled by all the colours, forms, shapes and shades of the South American way of living.

As time went by my interest in art and photography grew by the day; something I could only dream of doing because our limited financial founds. My family was very creative at that time to provide in life support and my dreams became bigger.

I dreamt to become and actress, a dancer, a painter literally anything I could think related to art.

As the years passed by I came to live in the Netherlands which became the place now I call home.. Living in Amsterdam for 23 years the city reflects my colourful nature; with it’s gorgeous art and multicultural surroundings.

Love was the reason that brough me here all the way to Holland, and as my 2 beautiful kids were born, I started to take photographs watching them grow. My love for photography grew up day by day; I believe I was reborn somehow too; I evolved in many ways as possible. The ups and downs in my life never had me lost track of faith and courage.

My eyes always still saw the beauty in everything and everyone. I ended up doing what I was supposed to do in life what makes my heart and soul sing: photography.

The year 2220 changed the world and for me social distance made me look closer to what is right in front of me, I started to take photographs of objets around my house. And the art of living sparked trough my lens.

So here it is a proof that sometimes things take time but if you follow you passion and don’t give up! We all can achieve anything we want, and I can tell my youngest self that I made it happen.

Love, Maria